It's hard to believe I haven't posted here since December 2018. Okay, in some ways it's hard to believe, but in other ways it's not hard at all to believe. I started this blog way back in 2009 as an easy way to inform family and friends about our life as we moved to Thailand for a two-year assignment at the Embassy. It seemed easy because Thailand was such a foreign--some might say alien--experience that the blog almost seemed to write itself. Once we finished our assignment and got back to Virginia, life seemed to become a little more mundane and the posts slowly tapered off.
Notice I said life seemed to become a little more mundane. That's probably just because we settled in and got comfortable. Life was still crazy and there's always interesting stuff happening, but I think I just got complacent and lazy. We got a new dog (I should probably write a post or two about Daisy, and I still miss Goose), I spent a year away from the family on an assignment in Pakistan (lived to tell that tale; not very exciting, to be honest), graduated two more kids from high school, and to the surprise of absolutely nobody, I ran. A lot. Including a couple more ultras. Because I'm nuts.
So why am I once again writing in my blog after a three-year absence? Well, my wife and children strongly encouraged me to do it because I am back in the Land of Smiles and will be here for some time. To be precise, I'm in Bangkok for three months, I will return to the States to help Mali pack up the house, and we will return a month later with our two youngest for a three-year assignment.
With that in mind, let the insanity--and the perspiration*--commence!
*Note to self: don't wear blue dress shirts to church until you get acclimated to the heat and humidity. I haven't stopped sweating since I got here 10 days ago and I walked into church looking like I just hit a water buffalo.